50+ Job Seekers in MA
Statewide Networking Group

Funding provided through the Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Financial Advisors – New York Life

Career Description:  Financial Advisors help clients identify and achieve their financial goals. Through New York Life, Eagle Strategies and NYLIFE Securities, our Financial Advisors offer a comprehensive array of financial […]

Personal Helper/Companion for Seniors

Are you an older adult/retiree in need of supplemental income? Is your heart open to helping socially isolated seniors in the community? If you’d like a rewarding part-time flexible job […]

Nordstrom is Hiring!

Nordstrom is Hiring! An incredible eye for what’s next in fashion. A passionate drive to exceed expectations. For more than 100 years, we’ve worked to deliver the best possible shopping […]

Minuteman Senior Services: PT and FT Opportunities

Minuteman Senior Services is an innovative non-profit agency offering seniors, disabled adults, and their caregivers information, assistance and support in Lexington, Concord, and 14 other surrounding towns. We operate 25+ […]

Transit Jobs

The MassDOT Rail and Transit Division oversees the Commonwealth’s 15 Regional Transit Authorities, MassDOT’s freight and passenger rail program and works closely with the MBTA, providing fixed-route and paratransit service in […]

Volta Oil Company (Multiple positions and locations)

For the following positions, please apply online on at voltaoil.com/careers or email James Couture at jcouture@voltaoil.com: Lead Guest Specialist, Garrett’s Family Market Mashpee/ Centerville – Entry-Level Full-Time Position The Lead Specialist(LS) […]

Waters Corporation

Waters Corporation: CNC Machinists, Engineers, Logistics, Marketing & more (Milford Massachusetts).

YMCAs of Central MA

YMCAs of Central MA: FT and PT jobs (Worcester, Westborough, Fitchburg, Southbridge and Marlborough).

Mass PCA Directory

P/T Personal Care Attendants for individuals with disabilities (opportunities statewide) Where job seekers and MassHealth consumers requiring home and personal care find each other https://www.masspcadirectory.org/