50+ Job Seekers in MA
Statewide Networking Group

Funding provided through the Executive Office of Elder Affairs

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Events This Month

Branding and Conducting Your Job Campaign

Tom Peters famously said, “We are CEOs of our own companies: Me, Inc.” But, what does that mean we should do? It means you need to brand yourself just as …

It Isn’t Easy Being Green…or Is It?

Are you concerned about the environment and clean energy? Do you want to make a difference? Join us as we explore green jobs! Green jobs contribute to preserve or restore …

G2G (Give to Get) 4/4/23

G2G is an open forum for Q&A, breakouts to discuss your job search questions, and plenty of time to network and connect with fellow 50+ job seekers. Every attendee will have …

Interview Practice 4/17/23

For good or bad, first impressions matter. When interviewing you need to put your best foot forward, and that takes practice! Do you have an interview coming up? Do you …

Background Checks: What Are Employers Learning About You?

Join Paul Cecala as we take an in-depth look at the many different ways employers are delving into candidate’s pasts to determine their suitability for the job.  The interview is …

Interactive Workshop: Interview Preparation

Congratulations, you’ve been invited to an interview! What do you do next? Prepare! And prepare. And prepare. But, how?   Join us as we discuss all things interview-related, with an …

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